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Fifty Seven

“I feel sorry for you because he’s going to do to you exactly what he tried to do to me”
Wow.... this girl, well woman about my age maybe a bit older but floating around her mid twenties, came over to me in the middle of the dance floor and started shrieking at me. Up until now I’d been having a great evening and was tearing up the dance floor and knocking back the shots.
It was David’s psycho ex - Kirsty.
I brushed her off and turned to look at my group friends, looking slightly bemused, as she continued to yell over the music and people were starting to back away from us. My bestie Jenny seemed embarrassed for me and dragged me off to the toilets for a chat. Trying to analyse what she meant and why she would say something like that.
Jenny made it all sound so simple. “David is a prize, he’s a beautiful man and you’re with him now. She’s just jealous and wants him back”
I’d had a bit too much to drink and the cubicle I was inside was spinning around, but I nodded along with her, we decided to call it a night and head home. I couldn’t quite get that phrase out of my head. What had David done to her? What did she mean?
Jenny was dropped off first and as soon as the taxi driver was satisfied that she had found her house keys and opened the front door to her flat he pulled away, and I reached for my mobile. Sending drunk texts is never a good idea, but I sent David a message about how he needed to speak to Kirsty because she was getting out of control.
I can’t remember much else but I woke up and saw a million notifications. Texts from Jenny asking if I was home. Then a couple of missed calls and another to text “Guess you fell asleep, call me first thing” - I didn’t even want to open the messages from David but I saw missed calls too so I know he was going to be annoyed.
We’d been together for three months but I’ve known him about double that. Since he moved nearby and joined my gym. He was reluctant at first, quite happy to be friends with benefits, until I gave him an ultimatum. I was starting to get feelings for him beyond the initial physical lust and I wanted to have some sort of commitment so I made him change his Facebook status.
The whole time I have known him Kirsty had been stalking him like an absolute weirdo. Constant texts, emails and Facebook messages. Turning up in places that we were unexpectedly. He explained that they’d had a terrible break up. He wasn’t really into her and she just couldn’t accept it. They weren’t even together for that long, only a couple of months, so her behaviour was completely ridiculous.
The second we changed our relationship status on facebook it just got worse and she targeted me. She told me to break up with him, created a fake account trying to catfish me, and sent David screengrabs to accuse me of cheating. I blocked her on everything.
This girl was desperate and the whole time David just told me to ignore her and try and move on with it. Last night he tried to call me back as soon as I texted him. I’d not once considered that David would have been the one to cause problems in their relationship, but last night the things she said sounded like a warning and I asked him “What exactly happened between you guys?”
I’ve never been insecure and just took what he said at face value but there was some sort of niggling feeling now. She didn’t just seem like a Slighted ex. She was trying to give me a warning.
I called Jenny first. She answered after the first ring had even completed.... “Lea, this thing about David....” I cut her off. I really didn’t want to talk about it all anymore. Jenny wasn’t keen on him in the first place and we’d argued about him before. They don’t get along. Total personality clash which leaves me stuck in the middle.
“No, Lea, you need to listen. Kirsty got hold of me last night on Facebook and told me what went on between her and David. I think she’s really dangerous, and you need to call the police.... the things she was saying..... just... I don’t know.... she’s not all there”
“Well, no shit” - I knew this already. “Welcome to my world” - there wasn’t much I could do but to block her which I did already after the last time, so I told Jenny to do the same and then David called, and I cut her call off quickly to speak to him.
He was on his way over to come and get me, said he would rather me come and stay at his house for a few days if Kirsty was getting worse, and to pack a bag and he’d be here in half an hour.
I packed up a few bits in my backpack and was outside leaning against the garden wall when he pulled up. I’m not exaggerating, he is quite literally the most beautiful man I have ever laid eyes on. Tall, strong jawline, tanned complexion, dark hair and striking green eyes. He keeps himself in shape and his body is like something from a Hollywood movie set..... not that you’d ever know because he’s always in baggy clothes.
That was a treat the first time we got undressed in front of each other last week. I remember standing there in front of him, it was quite a frantic physical interaction, he’d pulled my dress from over me I’d stood back for him to remove his tee, as he pulled it over his head I just stood there gawping at him for a few seconds before he laughed and pulled me towards him to wrap ourselves up in each other. I think about that night quite a lot. Since then I haven’t been able to get enough of him.
I jumped in the car, he reached over to peck me on the lips before pulling the car back out into the main flow of traffic. He wasn’t looking at me when he said he was sorry about Kirsty.
I don’t think he’d ever apologised himself for the situation but that still wasn’t giving me any answers. I told him what happened and how she’d been talking to Jenny and that she was worried now, this goes beyond a scorned ex and that she thinks we should call the police.
This mention of the police concerned David, because he took his eyes away from the road to look at me. “I don’t think we need to go that far”
So I asked. I’d never asked him in person, and he hadn’t responded to my text last night so I asked him to explain exactly what happened between him and Kirsty.
Then we argued. He didn’t want to talk about it. I pressed him. He tried to give me a story about how he didn’t break up with her for any reason, he just wasn’t feeling it anymore and she didn’t take that too well. I asked if he thought she was dangerous and he said no.
I said that I felt he was being evasive. I wanted details and he wouldn’t give me anything, and having me stay at his for a few days made me think she was a risk to me so for most of the car journey back to his place we sat in silence.
I hadn’t ever really argued with him before so this was really uncomfortable and awkward, but as soon as we got back to his place I started up the conversation again and said that I thought I deserved to know more details and he said I was being stubborn. He was moving around in the kitchen trying to pull together some food to make a sandwich, and asking me to choose chicken or ham.
I told him to stop avoiding the conversation, and he finally cracked and raised his voice towards me “ Do you know what Lea, I really don’t want to talk about what happened. I know that this is hard, but it’s why I didn’t want to get into a serious relationship in the first place, can you just leave it - please”
And with that he picked up his keys and walked out leaving me at his place on my own.
I called Jenny. Explained what had happened and it was her idea to do some snooping. I’d never been in David’s apartment alone but it was a typical “lad” home. Whilst on the phone to Jenny I started to look around. Huge gaming set up in the living room with a wide screen TV too big for the space. Two bedrooms, the master with en suite and the spare.
She suggested that I bolt the door to avoid him coming back and catching me so I popped the chain over the frame and turned around. Jenny was on speaker phone and I asked her to tell me what Kirsty had been talking about which made her so worried.
“She’s talking like she’s in some sort of cult. Talking about how David will always have a piece of her and she’s not complete without him.... total psycho.... I bet there’s some weird voodoo doll she’s left there for him”
I was stood in the kitchen space with my elbows on the side listening and not actually doing much snooping, but prompted by Jenny I started to open drawers and look inside cupboards. I wasn’t quite sure what to look for really. The usual kind of kitchen stuff.
David loves cooking so he has a fresh herb planter on his windowsill, cupboards full of jars of food, the usual cutlery draw and another draw of stuff. Old phone charger, batteries, a few candles, and a ball of string. Nothing super weird or out of the ordinary at all.
Jenny agreed and told me to go and look in his bedroom.... I’d spent a lot of time in there already, and knew he was pretty neat and tidy. A few shoe boxes under his bed - all of them containing trainers which was disappointing. A couple of stray hair bands of mine under the bed.
“Jenny, what exactly are we looking for?”
I didn’t really have a clue what I was expecting to find and so I went and crashed down on the sofa back in the living room, and whilst adjusting the cushion under my arm I found David’s ipad. I wouldn’t say it was hidden, just tucked away between the sofa arm and main cushion. I’d never seen him use it before.
I placed my phone down on the coffee table as I pressed the home button expecting there to be a code but it unlocked immediately. Jenny was telling me to explain what I could see. It seemed like it was linked to his social media accounts and so I started tapping away to Facebook first of all. I couldn’t find Kirsty but she was in his block list amongst quite a few other names.
A couple I recognised as previous ex’s. I promised Jenny I would call her back and went to finish making the sandwich David had left, grabbed myself a drink, put a movie on the tv and settled down to go through the iPad.
Messages deleted. A couple of boring game apps.... tinder (sigh of relief as he hadn’t messaged anyone on that for the duration of our relationship).
No photos or videos other than a few screen grabs of gaming stuff from amazon I think he wanted to buy.
This was a dead end..... Jenny popped up on my messages.
“Don’t forget to check the browser history.”
So I did.
Nothing stood out to me, a bit of porn, a few sports betting sites and a whole lot of Dropbox links. I couldn’t load any of the files on the iPad so I emailed them across to myself copying in Jenny before deleting the outbox messages and slipping the iPad back to where it was.
I was feeling a bit bad now, it was wrong of me to be snooping around his apartment like this, but I was still mad at him and actually pissed off that he just left me here alone. I wandered down the hall to use the bathroom, inside the cabinet were a few of my bits, my face cream and a spare toothbrush and then realised that I hadn’t checked out the spare room.
It was exactly that, a sparsely decorated spare bedroom. Magnolia walls. A couple of candles on the windowsill, a single day bed pushed up against the wall and a wardrobe on the opposite side of the wall. Nothing under the bed. Spare linen inside the wardrobe. This was getting infuriating.
Not a trace of an ex, nothing at all. I heard my phone vibrating against the coffee table and Left this room behind to go and answer. Jenny couldn’t open the Dropbox files without a password.
“Think of something, what’s his birthday, mother’s maiden name etc”
I was drawing a blank and then remembered he had “password1” for his PlayStation network so I suggested that and it didn’t work..... but then I suggested trying password2, 3, 4 etc and eventually it worked - password58
Jenny was downloading the files onto her laptop and telling me that these were zipped and this was going to take a while. Media clips, spreadsheets, all sorts.
Then David arrived at the door. I heard his key in the latch and the chain restricting the door from opening. “Lea, it’s me.... why’s the chain on?”
“In case your psycho ex turns up to try and stalk me again”
“Oh don’t start up again, I’m back now and I just want to chill, let me in”
“I just want to know what happened, that’s all.... I’m really worried that Kirsty is getting out of hand now and might end up doing something to hurt me”
“Okay, let me in and I promise we’ll talk about it. Just don’t call the police okay”
So I walked over, let him in and we stood there awkwardly in the hallway for a few moments. I heard my phone buzz again on the coffee table and glanced to see Jenny’s name on the screen before dead ending the call. I sat down on the sofa and realised David had followed me into the room. She called again immediately. I dead ended it again and turned it to silent.
David sat cross legged on the floor in front of me and drew in a breath and looked down at the floor for a long time before picking his head up again.
“Something happened to me a long time ago”
“My first ever relationship experience was with a girl who was into spiritual stuff back when we were teenagers”
“So this girl, Katie, we were thirteen when she started at our school and she used to like listening to goth music, she dyed her hair black and all of that kind of stuff. It was kinda cool back then to be like that and I really liked her for being different”
(So this was weird. He started telling me all about Katie and basically it sounded like he was still in love with her.)
“What’s this got to do with any of this Kirsty stuff?”
“Just let me finish okay?”
“We were really young and too naive to know what love was, but it was our first experience of having these kinds of feelings. We made stupid promises to each other. We said that when we were ready that we would be each other’s firsts”
I was still not seeing any sort of link between Katie and Kirsty and was feeling impatient. I wasn’t really interested in any of this teenage angst.
“I didn’t really know what it all meant then but to be honest, I was getting close to the stage where I wanted to have sex with her and lose my virginity so I went along with it all”
Now I wanted to know what was going on..... he was starting to sound weirder than Kirsty.
“She wanted our first experience to be memorable and I just thought she’d watched Twilight too many times - I went along with it as she lit candles around her bedroom. All I could think about was ‘doing it’ as she was stood in front of me naked and I didn’t realise any of what she had done before this”
“David” - I was getting mad now, all of this sounded ridiculous and I didn’t want his whole life story.
“Let me finish..... so we did it. I won’t go into details but it wasn’t too great an experience and she ended up crying afterwards. I was really upset that I’d done something wrong or hurt her. It was my first time too. She said it wasn’t like she thought it would be that’s all, and I didn’t really know what to do or say after that so I just left and we didn’t speak. I walked past her at school and we didn’t sit next to each other. I just didn’t know what to do or say”
I tried to give a nervous laugh. “David, I could tell you about my first time too, it was just as awkward, you didn’t mean to make her cry so there’s nothing wrong with what you did there”
“You don’t understand. Katie committed suicide later that month. She wrote in her letter that she’d given her soul away and got nothing in return for it”
“David, that’s awful. I’m so sorry that happened to you, but it’s still not your fault, it sounds like Katie had problems of her own she was dealing with”
“You still don’t understand. She was really into all of this occult related stuff. Everything she’d done leading up to us having sex for the first time was part of a ritual. The candles, the placement of rose quartz, I don’t even know what else because it was her thing and not mine, I just went along with it: but she said that she believed that every time you have sex with someone you give them a little piece of your soul and so it was important to her to lose her virginity to me and make it really special”
“This is all just stupid teen stuff, it’s not really real. I mean it’s sad this happened to Katie, did Kirsty find out? Is that why you split up?”
“I’ve been trying to figure this out for fifteen years now Lea. See, almost immediately after all this happened with Katie my life started to change. I connected it all to puberty, growing taller, getting picked for the football team. I distanced myself from most of my friends and worked harder at school, passed my exams and I hadn’t ever looked back really”
“She gave me her whole soul”
“Okay David, this is weird now, you’re starting to sound a bit crazy”
“Okay hear me out..... I’ve been doing my own research. I think that Katie was trying to do some sort of love or promise ritual before we had sex, but got the whole thing wrong and gave her soul to me. I didn’t know, but she realised immediately and because I walked out and didn’t even realise. I avoided her that whole time, and I’m trying to figure out how I could have given it back to her or not accepted in on the first place”
“David this is all just a coincidence, you had no way of knowing this would happen and it’s just not possible for this kind of thing to happen. She was a troubled teenager, you probably could have reached out to her that week but I don’t know many teenage boys who would do that”
“How many times do you think this would need to happen to make it not be a coincidence Lea?”
“What do you mean?”
“I’ve been trying to fix it for years”
“Fix what? I don’t understand”
“I think I figured it out. It’s got something to do with phases of the moon.”
“David, please this is weird. Can we let this go now? Please? What are we going to do about Kirsty”
“She wants her soul back”
“I don’t have all of it this time, I’d say about half and she wants it back”
“David. This isn’t normal now. Listen to what you’re saying”
“It’s okay, because I finally figured it out. I haven’t taken any of you I promise. The same thing isn’t going to happen to you”
“David. I am leaving. This is ridiculous. I don’t know why you’ve come up with all this bullshit, I’m going to the police”
“Lea, honestly I’ve never done anything wrong. I’ve been interviewed by the police every single time and it’s horrible but they’ve always proven that it wasn’t me.”
“Every single time?”
“Yes, Lea, every single time”
“How many times are we talking here?”
“David I am leaving right now”
So I walked out of that door, slammed it behind me and started walking out of the building. I reached for my phone and there must have been fifty missed called from Jenny. Messages and screen shots.
I quickly scrolled through the stuff that Jenny had sent over. Fifty seven files, each with a different girls name
Fifty seven can’t be a coincidence.
I called Jenny. The first thing she said. “Lea, where are you? Kirsty killed herself”
Fifty Eight is definitely not a coincidence.
I’m on my way to the weird shop in town which sells tarot cards and gem stones right now. Jenny is going to meet me there.
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[Table] IamA Wheel of Fortune Contestant (and winner!) AMA!

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Date: 2014-05-14
Link to submission (Has self-text)
Questions Answers
I hope you see this question, I have a bet with my Grandma riding on it. Is there a board off camera that you can see that shows the letters that have already been picked? My guess is no; but she's certain. Thanks! And congratulations. Yes there is! Grandma wins! And thank you!
How much did ya win? Was it as much fun playing as it looks? I had a blast! I won a little over 15,000 in cash and prizes. It breaks down to two trips: Hawaii and Costa Rica, a fancy sony camera, and $2300 in cash. I Will also re be $1000 per trip for incidentals.
How is that going to affect your taxes? Will you save any of the cash for the taxes you'll owe on it or will you not owe any? ' edit: nevermind, found the answer. Congrats! It's a waiting game. May get a check or a bill, depending on if my cash winnings cover the taxes of my trips. Fingers crossed!
My husband and I always wonder about taxes on the trips and prizes. How is that and will it be worth it in the end? I think its worth it if you can afford the taxes. If you win all cash, the taxes are taken out directly and you need not worry. I won trips, so its definitely something I had to consider.
How exactly do they give you a trip? Did they hand you a stack of different travel vouchers or what? I've always wondered how game shows transfer a trip to someone. It's not like just writing a check. You call the travel agency and set up a date, and if the date is green-lighted, then you are sent the tickets and the resort is given a heads up.
The car rental age is 21. Basically, if you can drink, you can drive. Edit: If you don't want to drive, there's guided island tours that will run you a few hundred dollars. Haha fantastic! I thought it was 25 for some reason.
What did you have to do to actually get onto the show? Sex was not mandatory but I offered anyway.
Haha, I did a series of auditions. The first time, I saw the wheel mobile was in town and figured I would check it out. At least 300 people showed up and they had you fill out your information. Then a fake Vana and Pat did a series of mini games. They chose the names from a big bingo turning machine, so only maybe 1/20th of the people go to audition.
If they called your name, you had to scream as if you were actually on the show and give them an interesting fact about yourself that didn't pertain to your love of WOF. I shit you not, almost everyone said "I love WOF, that's about it". I said I did stand-up, told a joke, and three months later I got an email saying I had moved on to audition two.
That audition involved a camera and a series of mini games. Thy wanted to see how you acted under pressure, how you filmed, if you called letters that made sense, etc. there was also a written test of a bunch of WOF style puzzles. The test was timed, and we were not allowed to see the results. There was then a lunch break and afterwards they called a few names, and those who were called got to stay to play more games.
Two weeks later I got a letter in the mail saying I had made it! My shoot date could be any time it him the next 18 months and I would get two weeks notice.
TL;DR I auditioned
What was the joke? Knock knock.
Who's there? Awe man, I don't actually have one. I told a joke about a physics teacher, but it will read sillily when written out!
What are Pat and Vana actually like? We didn't see Pat until the show started, but he was really nice between sets. So personable.
Vana was amazing! She came to the back room to introduce ourselves. She was wearing a sweat shirt and jeans and said "Just wanted to wish you all luck and show you what I look like normally, without makeup". Gorgeous still, of course. She set everyone at ease.
Do you consider yourself fortunate? Wheely fortunate.
I just had to say all of you're answers to these questions are witty and amazing and I hope you go far in life :) You seem like a great person. Mom?
Haha, thank you so much stranger!
I also am from Charlotte, went to Clemson, and now live in Greenville, SC. Wow. I am pretty sure this makes us best friends?
You are beautiful. Are you single and need someone to take on those trips any chance? What sweet words cuntlovingwhore. I sure you are a very nice ma'am/sir.
Congrats on the win! Pat was very nice, but we didn't actually see him until we started playing. What a moment!
What was the behind the scenes like? Is pat a nice guy? Was there any tension between contestants? As for tensions, not at all. Everyone was really nice. There was some good natured trash-talking but that was it. It's not really you against the others, it's you against the wheel.
What do you do for the breaks? The breaks are actually really short (about 2-3 minutes). We get given a swig from a little water bottle, fanned if we are sweaty, and have more makeup put on. There are lots of words of encouragement also!
Did you find it harder to stay engaged in the game while on camera? Not at all actually! It helped that I had no idea where the camera was until near the end of the episode haha. I will say that many of the contestants who also shot their show that day did find it nerve wrecking. Depends on your personality.
Just consider yourself lucky that you weren't the first episode shot that day. (I assume since you were on Wednesday's show your group probably got the golf ball with a 3 on it?) My group taped first when I was on, and I won the first toss-up, so I had to do the first interview of anyone that day, without the luxury of seeing other people go first. I would have done anything to go later in the day. But I didn't embarrass myself, and won the show, so I guess I can't complain. Still, at the time? Nerve-wracking beyond belief. Oh I bet! I pulled he 2 golf ball! Close though. Congrats on winning!
How hard was the wheel to spin? They all seem to make it out like it's really heavy. Congrats by the way! It is about 1000 pounds (no exaggeration). It was very heavy and we had to practice spinning it a lot.
Practice? Did they have a practice wheel, or did you just stand around the normal one taking turns? The normal one taking turns.
How did you decide what to wear? I basically didn't! So many rules. No dresses, no distracting patterns, no white, no black, no red, nothing too casual, nothing with logos, etc.
When do they tell you to clap? It seems like there's an awful lot of clapping. Clap when you're breathing seemed to be the only rule.
During filming, was there anything specific that you all had to do to get certain shots, maybe for editing purposes? Watching the episode live, did anything happen out of order or was it all played back as-is? I am so jealous! I love whose line!
I was a studio audience member for two of the new episodes of Whose Line Is It Anyway, and we spent over an hour doing retakes of lead-ins for each game for editing purposes. I'm curious to know if this is true for game shows. We were just told to smile, nothing fancy.
How did you get on the show? Do you feel you played better live or are you better at guessing at home? I think I played as well love as I did at home. It helps that I have performance experience so crowds and cameras don't make me nervous.
Why in the world did you pick o instead of a at the end? I asked myself this yesterday and actually get to ask you this today. Congratulations on the win. I figured A would stand out to me on its own. Whereas O can cause a whole puzzle to be unclear, in my opinion! Should have chosen I though, haha.
O is the statistically most frequent bonus round letter. It was a good choice. You got a little unlucky here. Link to wjspaniel.wordpress.com. This is awesome! So good to know.
Don't the winners get to play again? I haven't watched WOF in years, but I seem to remember contestants playing up to three nights. Nope, that is Jeopardy!
A touch screen? Yup! It is a touch screen. And thanks!
How were Pat and Vana? Any tension? My hubby is convinced they secretly hate each other... Not sure why, too much forced niceties at the end of each ep I guess. Also, congrats! They seemed to really enjoy each other's company. I think they get along off and on screen pretty well!
Did they check for any kind of performance enhancing drugs? I'm pretty good at Wheel when I watch at home, but I feel like I'd absolutely dominate their shit if I took a bunch of Adderall first. Haha, they did not! Adder all was fair game I suppose!
I suppose it's fair game adder all. Haha, whoops!
How much did you win, and how much taxes were taken out? Still waiting to see about the taxes but I won just over 15,000 cash and prizes.
What do you plan on doing with the spending money? I didn't win that much spending money, so I am eager to see if I will actually have any or if taxes will destroy my hopes and dreams.
What is your favorite color? Eh, green or mint I guess.
How did you celebrate winning? I went to the Hollywood walk of fame and joined he masses trying the glimpse celebrities on the red carpet to the Captain America premier. I saw Scarlett Johansson! Then I drank.
Did you ever have a moment where you were skeptical of whether or not you should accept the invite to the show? I had he panicking moment that I would not be able to afford the taxes, but my family agreed to help if need be. But I always wanted to be on the show, no doubt about that!
Pat talked about you wanting to be a comedian, what's your plan on that? Also how heavy was the wheel? I do stand up regularly at night and work during the day. Just trying to get a name for myself out there and then hopefully start getting paid!
And super heavy.
Can you be in the show if you're SAG-AFTRA? Or did you get a waiver to be on the show? I had to look this up, but I believe you can! You just must disclose that information.
My basketball coach was on a couple months ago and he won too. Anyway, how hard was it to keep your winning a secret? You can tell close friends, but if it is posted on social media before the air date, you forfeit all prizes. It's a good motivator so it wasn't as hard as I thought. I did want to tell the world though!
Out of curiosity, did you tell anyone at all? I'd be worried that if I told family or a close friend, they might let it slip somewhere and cost me everything. Plus it would be pretty fun to have such an awesome secret for a little while. I did! Only people I trusted not to post anything though.
Congrats! What're you going to do on your trips? Drink!
What was the most dominate thing going through your mind when you actually won the game? That I would win a minimum of 1000 dollars! That was more than I made in a month at the time so I got to be excited rather than nervous.
Edit: I noticed you play racquetball. If you're ever in central PA, hit me up for a game. I will let you know! Always up to play a game of racquetball!
How long was it from the time you shot the episode to when it aired? 2 months.
Was pat really drinking the entire time? If he was, we didn't see and he didn't show it!
Here is a recap of the game. She's Spencer, the blue player. Congratulations, Spencer! You had a tough bonus puzzle. Do you remember anything that was edited out of the episode, like extra wrong letters or maybe a technical difficulty? Not at all, they put it all in there to my knowledge. And thank you!
Is it possible to "control" the wheel? Like, can you vary how hard you spin to avoid hitting Bankrupt and Lose a Turn? Not at all! By all appearances, it is "unriggible"
Not in the least it is far too heavy. You need some strength to get it going.
What did you do to prepare for your appearance on the show? Congrats on the win and hope you have two extremely awesome vacations. I watched the show regularly and played some online versions of the game. But mostly I just relaxed and tried not to think too much beforehand. It helped me be calm during the game I think!
Thanks for doing this and congratulations on your win. I've always wondered if there is a board of letters showing which have already been called. Is there something like that for contestants? There is indeed. I wondered this as well but, yup, they become dark once called. And thank you!
Are you allowed to spin the wheel lightly? say if 3 ticks over there was a million dollars, do you have to spin full strength? Full strength! It is so heavy that it takes moment to get it going probably for exactly this reason haha.
Do they instruct you to specifically enunciate the "N" and "R" letters? People always end up screaming it out. Also, do they also instruct you to hold any prizes you pick up on the wheel to the camera? Contestants always take a second to hold it up and show it off. Yes on both accounts! Annunciation is really important and if the producers don't think you said it properly, nothing you can do.
What happens off screen during a commercial or something? Does the host actuallly talk you or what? And comgrats on winning. Makeup and quick water break. The breaks were very short.
You have just taken over the world with your grand military. As the peasants bow down to your highness, what do you declare as your first law for all of humanity to obey? Gather all the pizza and lagers and give them to me in offering. My word is my law.
Is that a throwaway? How did you become aware of reddit? I have been lurking for about a year but didn't feel I had anything huge to contribute. I posted a picture of me nod my comedic hero, Emo Phillips, earlier this year and received super negative comments so I said "Welp, enough of that". I was too excited about this not to post though!
Tell me about your standup-comedy or whatever you want to promote ;) I have just fully jumped into the comedy world but have been dabbling for about a year. Thank you for your interest!
Are you aware of this sub? /standupshots. I was not, but I subscribed right away.
I LOVE Emo Phillips btw. And his cameo in Adventure Time is the best. And hurray for female comics! Thank you so much for your encouragement and I hope the same for you!
As a fellow comedy writer with lady parts, all I can tell you is keep your head up. It sounds like you have the right drive and attitude to take you far. Hopefully your WOF clip is what they play on the Tonight Show to embarrass you in 15 years :D. Long live Mr. Butterfingers.
My fiancé and her mom want me to go on Wheel so badly. I'm always solving the puzzles way before the contestants on TV. With my luck though I'd hit bankrupt constantly. What was your spin strategy? Could you time it at all? Nope, it really is completely random. My strategy was to solve if there was a prize and choose logical multiples in each puzzle. That's it really.
You joined reddit 2 days ago. Did you know about reddit before? What made you join reddit? I have lurked on reddit for over year! I had a previous name but deleted it after a few days. People are mean haha. I joined to do the arbitrary gift exchange, there is nothing I like more than making and giving gift baskets. I have many friends who can attest!
Are vowels expensive? 250 dollars! Not so bad.
Are you kind of trained before the show on how hard to spin the wheel? I'm guessing some hot-shot could spin the hell out of that thing and it would take forever to stop! Not how hard, but how to grip it. Even the most muscular guy there strained a bit to spin it. It's heavy!
How do they select people to be on the show? It's a full audition process. They want to make sure you are not too camera shy and call logical letters.
Did you have to do a lot of preparation before you were on the show? Not really. I did download the official app but I finished it in an afternoon so it wasn't much help!
That's awesome. Who names their girl Spencer? My parents.
Is the stage smaller than it looks on TV? So much smaller! Smaller than your average middle school gym even.
Is it annoying that the wheel is upside-down for contestants? It was certainly hard to get used to!
What does Pat Sajak smell like? Experience
Thanks so much for doing this! Where you ever nervous or were you always confident? I was not nervous! That sounds like a lie, but I was so excited to be there, and I have performed in front of much larger crowds without getting paid to do so. So I was ready, haha.
How much you pay in taxes? Not sure yet, won't know until September unfortunately.
Did you purposefully take that picture with the spin sitting on Bankrupt? Haha no, they positioned me and told me to smile. Didn't even notice!
What do you plan on doing with your life now that you have so much money? Will you continue to work? Will you upgrade your house, or even move to a fancier one? I only have 2,300 in cash haha. So hopefully it covers taxes on the trips!
I've heard that Pat and Vanna only got hired because they both had big heads, and that looked better in front of the huge screen/wheel. Any validity to the size of those domes? I have no idea! Interesting theory. We saw Vana's audition tape though. I can't imagine they picked her for any other reason then she is gorgeous and they had good on-screen chemistry.
How long did you have to wait backstage for your episode to be taped? I've heard the most grueling part about being on WOF is that they sometimes tape up to 5 or 6 episodes in one day and those who are taped last end up waiting a ridiculously long amount of time. About 4 hours total, so not too bad. There were food and drinks and we did a LOT of paperwork.
When and where did you get to watch Vanna's audition? Did you watch the whole show or was it part of some "sizzle reel"? During our second audition we got to watch really fun bloopers and about 5-8 minutes of her audition.
My favorite solve "A group of pill pushers!" The answer was a group of well-wishers.
Do you get to practice spinning the wheel before taping the show? Yes we did! A lot.
Your from NC? meto! Im from Greenville NC! It lied, I'm originally from NY. Just moved to NC though, woo hoo!
What happens off camera? The contestants battle in the back. Those who are still breathing get gussied up and get to compete.
What TV shows do you like watching? I love curb your enthusiasm! My all time fave.
When you travel to be on the show do they cover the expense or is it out of pocket? All expenses covered with 1000 dollars for any incidentals. Taxes are taken from cash winnings. So in September I will either get a small check or a bill!
Taxed only on the cash winnings only, not the prize values? Both, unfortunately.
Is the wheel hard to get going? Not really but it takes a strong push!
Does Pat touch the female contestants inappropriately? I always get the sense he is that kind of guy. Not at all, he even asks permission of screen to hold your hand during the bonus round!
Are you allowed to opt for a cash payout instead of taking the prizes? Seems like having to pay the taxes on two trips might get costly. You are not, unfortunately!
How did you sign up for this? I would love to be a contestant on a show! Just sign up online to be a wheel watchers member and find out when the wheel mobile is coming to your town! I think you can also and in a video audition. Good luck!
Out of your prize money, how much is cash and how much is just the value of the trips you won? Only 2,300 is in cash. There is an extra 2000 given for incidentals between the two trips, though.
If you don't mind me asking, how much did you win? $2300 in cash and the rest, $13,601, in prizes!
My aunt actually lives in the same neighborhood as pat sajak & has met him on multiple occasions. That's cool! He seemed really nice.
Can you provide some proof that this is you? A picture of you holding up a piece of paper with your username on it should be sufficient. Verified! Sure, is this a requirement or something?
Where is it taped? Pat has season tickets to the Washington Capitals. LA, and thank you for the bonus Pat trivia! TIL haha.
Is the wheel heavy? Very.
Who was, or will be, the first person to know that you won? EDIT: Other than you or the producers. My sister, since she was there!
Hey I watched you win last night with my friends! Congratulations! I was saying to my friends last night that I hardly ever see women with the name "Spencer". There's gotta be a cool story behind that. Also I was happy you defeated the blonde and won the vacation she failed to. Awesome job! Thank you! I heard she gave me the stink eye but I was too pumped to have noticed.
Oh my @ 16:33 that audience member behind her sister started waving and was stopped by the person next to him. cringe My favorite part of the whole show. I laughed for years.
A little late to the party, but go Tigers! Cadence count!
Seeing your user, I was really hoping that your name was Anne. Big let down. Comedispencer wouldn't work as well. Sorry parents screwed me over!
Yesterday was my birthday, all planned. you're welcome. Ah yes, thank you. Also, happy belated!
I don't have a question, just wanted to say you were great in Cloverfield. Literally have never had this comparison before!
Welcome to the family! Filmed July of last year, aired on teachers week this season! Yay! Such an exciting experience
Where did you perform in Charlotte. I want to come see one of your shows! I perform at the comedy zones in several states! There is always a great group of comedians there. Thanks for supporting live comedy!
I'm glad you beat that blonde, she seemed kind of obnoxious. You seem like a great person :) Have fun on your trips! She was sweet from our limited conversations. Thank you much friend, really appreciate it!
Last updated: 2014-05-18 18:57 UTC
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submitted by tabledresser to tabled [link] [comments]

[Table] IAmA: Top Adult Website RedTube here to answer your questions !

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Date: 2014-02-13
Link to submission (Has self-text)
Questions Answers
Has working for a porn site made you experiment more in the bedroom?" If by bedroom you mean kitchen then Yes
Porn inspired you to to start cooking more? Sure... if that's how you interpreted it!
What's your favorite meal to prepare at home? What do your parents think/say about your job? Do you have any pets? Story, please? Any story will do. 1- I love a good creampie 2- Do I have to tell them? 3- No pets 4- Once upon a time my dishwasher broke... I eagerly anticipated the repair man. When he showed up, all he did was fix my dishwasher :(
Are there hot horny singles in your area as well? There's 4 of them currently in this room!
What is your all-time favourite dialogue from porn? We all know the lemon-stealing whore, and there's Eastern European Nick Fury, but I'd love to know your favourites. We'd love for you to come say hi over at /SFWPornGifs, where we truly appreciate the finer points of porn dialogue and acting. I have roomates... I watch my porn on mute :(
What is your take on the situation in Germany where thousands of people have been sent written warnings for allegedly watching 1 or 2 certain Redtube videos? Many people who have been following this issue had secretly hoped that Redtube would take up arms/lawyer up to crush the guys responsible for sending those written warnings to thousands of users. The entire situation was (undeservedly) bad press for Redtube, why did you not act to clear your good name? As soon as we discovered from articles in the press that German citizens were targeted, we immediately took action issuing several statements and winning a preliminary injunction preventing con artists from illegitimately harassing German citizens with bogus cease and desist letters. It is our full intention to take any and all legal action necessary to make these scammers accountable for their actions and protect German citizens.
Hey RedTube, since Brazzers and PornHub gave amazing AMA's, is there anything you can do to beat them? hint hint free accounts wink wink Redtube is a free site... FREE ACCOUNTS FOR EVERYONE !!!
How do you moderate your comments section, or do you at all? Also, just curious if you’ve seen any particularly hilarious comments (I know this is pornhub, just an example). All I can say is I wish Limerick Larry would cheat on Pornhub and make Redtube his mistress ! Link to www.pornhub.com
What's the best part of your job? Do you get paid to watch porn all day?
Why should I pick your site over others? Redtube just launched a great new site optimized for mobile which is fast, free and unlimited.
How'd you get such an awesome job? I performed really well on the casting couch.
What counts as not safe for work? Facebook lol.
Are you actually behind your twitter? Do you get paid more for saying raunchy things? Yes I am. Yes I do :)
Do people actually use the share buttons? You'd be surprised as to how many people actually use them.
Share those numbers! In the last week, total shares are 56,853 and the number one service people are sharing with is reddit!
What is the weirdest thing you've ever seen in a video on RedTube? The time I saw my accountant on the site was pretty weird :S.
Are these ads of hot singles in my area true?? Yes, what are you waiting for??
Tits or ass? Yes please :)
Which video is your personal favorite and why? This would probably fit my sexual fantasies the most. Link to www.redtube.com
What is the weirdest thing you experienced in the office? Its weird to have people talk about prolapse with a straight face ! LoL.
How did you end up working as a coordinator for an adult entertainment site? As a child, I would assume, you didn't imagine working in pornography as an adult. Where in your life did you make that turn? How did you end up in this particular job? Did you interview for it like any other job or did you know some people who knew some people? I've always had dreams of being an Veterinarian but when that idea fell through Porn was my plan B. A friend referred me, I had an interview and here I am today.
Boxers or briefs? Underwear is a waste of money.
My question is what happens if someone complains about their involuntary inclusion on your website? For example if a boyfriend posts a video of him and his GF having sex without the girl’s consent. If the girl complains and says – “I want this video of me and my ex-boyfriend taken down” would you guys do it? In a situation like this one we would ask that the person contact support. The video would be removed immediately.
Why are all the dudes in straight porn such butterfaces? You don't like James Deen?
How do you feel about pornstars saying that free tube sites such as yours, are ruining the industry? Most Porn stars love us and use their videos on Redtube as a way of promoting themselves.
Situation: your vibrator just died. what do you use instead? My dual shock PS3 controller is my go to, however, that is only after my cell phone battery dies !
Who are your current top five favorite pornstars? 1- Bonnie Rotten 2- Aletta Ocean 3-Asa Akira 4- Rachel Starr 5-Sponge Bob LoL.
Do you guys get desensitized to porn? I keep professional at work but it has improved my sex life after 5pm.
Have you worked with any other adult websites (like xhamster or others)? No, Redtube took my Pornginity.
Favorite video on Redtube? What's your guys thoughts on piracy? How do you guys handle copyright claims? Favorite food? Pirates are hot...as long as they're gentle with their hooks.
Are employee boners a rampant problem at your office? Boners no but, tissue boxes are on short supply.
Hey there! Thanks for doing the AMA. I have a question on branding. Among many people I have talked to, redtube has a reputation of containing more malware than most other tube and streaming sites. Now, I assume that this has been somewhat exaggerated, but has it been an issue you have had to deal with? No, our sites are completely safe for all your porn needs. We have a team monitoring 24/7 and we're as safe as any other site online.
Who approved those terrible "your wife will never find out" ads? I feel like there's a story (reddit thread) I'm missing here.
How did you get your job? A friend referred me, I had an interview and here I am today.
For a site called RedTube, you guys could really work on the redhead filter. Any plans to filter out fake redheads? Feedback noted. We will have it suggested to the big guys.
Would you rather fight 100 dick-sized horses or 1 horse-sized dick? I'd rather fight one horse sized dick... it would be easier to take down.
Top 5 asses in porn in your opinion? 1-Ron Jeremy 2- Remy Lacroix 3- Alexis Texas 4- Rachel Starr 5- Kendra Lust.
Whats the most searched for word/ phrase? I bet it's "good personality". Haha. The top searches go back and forth between the likes of: Teen, Milf, Mature, Amateur.. Really depends on the day, but good personality of course is the main criteria to a good flick.
I wanna ask...when you first entered the porn industry, what was it like? Were you overwhelmed/nervous of all the nudity and sex around you? If so, how did you get used to it and (naturally) benefit from it? EDIT: first not fist. I don't want to kill anybody's fantasy but, I don't walk past gang bang scenes being taped on the way to my desk. Don't get me wrong there is still porn everywhere. Unfortunately, it is only on our computer screens. What's unique is that I can openly watch porn on my computer everyday.
Finally, I'm in time for an AMA and I'm actually interested in the topic! Do you think someone who starts a porn tube type website today still has a chance of getting a share in the market? Ads on adult websites cost less than on mainstream which actually creates big opportunities for brands who have the guts to advertise on adult sites!
Where does the majority of your traffic come from, source-wise. Google? Or direct hits? As you guessed, the majority of traffic does come from google and direct hits.
What made you go on this "career path"? It was hard to leave the exciting world of Insurance sales. When I saw the job posting online I couldn't resist. A friend referred me and here I am. Being paid to be yourself is everyone's dream job isn't it?
What are your views on /nofap? Good Luck we support you in your efforts...as for us... Link to www.youtube.com
What fetish(es) would you never watch/engage in? I think this might be a contender Link to www.urbandictionary.com
Is Google+ ever going to catch on? Is there a pornmd+ coming?
How much of a boost in viewers do you see during valentine's day? We don't see a boost in viewers, however, the searched terms are more romantic.
Favourite video? Yours and the staff. Are we talking porn, or hollywood?!
Is there any way to get compensation from you for my carpal tunnel? The company offers great health benefits...maybe we can find you a job here :)
But do you have to deal with a lot of take down requests? or do the production houses ignore Redtube using their material because of perceived quality difference between a streaming site and their own HQ download sites. We have a program that promotes partnership between studios/producers and Redtube. Content producers upload content to RT in exchange for free banner ads. In this way Redtube gets great new content and the studios get massive exposure for their brands. We do get takedown requests as well. We do everything in our power to combat copyright piracy, and comply with the DMCA (Digital Millennium Copyright Act).
How was your first day working at RedTube? Well, my training was "get to know our product, spend the day surfing redtube" true story.
What's your plan for Valentines Day? Heading out with the girls to my favorite club to try and pick up some hotties. If that fails I know Redtube will be waiting when I get home.
I'm a "tube galore" guy. Why should I switch to Red tube? Redtube just launched a great new site optimized for mobile which is fast, free and unlimited.
Where do you see this "Tube" industry 5 years from now? We definitely see society becoming more open minded when it comes to adult entertainment. It is becoming more mainstream every day. That said, porn is still blocked, for example, on the major App marketplaces. We would love an opportunity to create those kind of integrated user experiences on mobile and tablet devices.
Are you allowef to watch porn in the office? If we don't have porn on our screens, we get in trouble.
Hello, I was wondering why it's free to go on your regular site on a computer, but if you go on redtube mobile you have to pay a subscription? We recently launched a new mobile site for Redtube it is completely free and unlimited!
Is there any evidence available to show that you are actually female? Check the link in the description of the AMA.
What does your family think of your job? They know where I work, but don't know my actual position.
Would you ever consider being on the other side of the screen and doing a porno? Please provide links when you do katie_pornhub could get in on it too! Edit: Also how have any of your boyfriends or girlfriends reacted upon finding out about your job? I'm pretty happy where I am. No pornos in the works right now.
What's your favorite porn category? Fetish.
My downloads from RedTube are not steady and smooth. Instead, they are like fits and starts. They go for 10 seconds, stop for 5 seconds, start again. It's a new computer, running a clean browser with no add-ons. Is it from your service, or do you think it might still be my computer? Can you tell us what country you are in? We will take a look.
Do you have any insight on the effect the boom of free (and amateur) pornography has had on the professional industry in general? Free streaming has changed the industry, but just like everything else related to technology, it’s ever-evolving. We work closely with our content partners to make sure that everyone gets paid fairly and we can ultimately offer you, our user a free experience.
As for Amateur vs Pro. I believe Redtube offers a balance of both.
Which porno genres do you like the most? Does your job changed your attitude on sex? What me? I'm still waiting for marriage LoL.
Who is your most popular pornstar to be featured on RedTube? Eva Angelina.
Do you guys have an app for mobile devices? Are you guys going to offer higher quality videos like 720p etc? Our site is accessible to mobile devices however, there are no 18 plus app market places currently where we can offer apps.
We plan to offer high quality videos in the next few months.
Tits or Ass? Why do I have to choose?
Important question : Who is the fine lady in the "The best job for sexy teen is porn." video? It is only on your site. That is its exact title. She says her name is Giselle - I use that name on weekends ;)
What do you tell people that ask what you do for a living? I tell them I do social media for Redtube!
Are you allowed to masterbate at the office? Don't get caught!
Does it feel like a normal office job to work there? It's the same thing, just with penises and vaginas on our screens.
Does NSFW apply at your office? NSFW is our W.
Will you be my valentine, redtube? Yes <3.
How do you get a job there? A friend referred me, they liked me and here I am.
Does your office look like any other office? The office for the most part is like any other, but we have cool perks like pool tables, foos-ball, and ping pong. We also all watch the olympics on big screens in the cafeteria.
How many dick pics do you get sent on a daily basis About as many as you LoL.
I feel like that would be unnecessarily dangerous.. I do MMA 5x a week so I don't think it would be a fair fight. Those are fightin' words.
Link to imgur.com
For charity :)
Fight Fight Fight! You'd rather see us fight?
Brazzers, Pornhub Katie, and Bill Gates. I'd marry Bill Gates (for the money), I'd fuck Pornhub Katie cause shes hot...Sorry Brazzers
I hope your servers are ready to handle the traffic tomorrow. We're always ready for a big load.
Here is a business idea: A video of you and Katie from PornHub getting naughty together. You will make thousands of dollars. Are you sure the world is ready for that?
I bet the employee bathroom is a disaster. I know that's not a question. The ladies room is sanitary.
This whole AMA just makes me want to look at pr0n. :( Me too ... Sigh
Is there a high number of women working in the porn industry that aren't actresses or is it very male dominated on the business side. Our office is about 20% women.
Last updated: 2014-02-17 19:55 UTC
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submitted by tabledresser to tabled [link] [comments]

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